Spinning exercises are a popular form of exercise that involves riding a stationary bicycle with a weighted flywheel which focuses on endurance, strength, intervals and high intensity. In general, spinning exercise is one of the most efficient exercises as it is a non weight bearing workout.

Spinning is a low impact and a low risk form of exercise which can be enjoyed by people of all ages. Regularly going for spinning workouts can improve your physical and mental health and reduce the risk of many health problems.

Here are some benefits you achieve by doing spinning exercises regularly:
 Burn Calories
Spinning workouts are an excellent way to burn calories. 45 minutes of spinning workouts burn around 500 calories. Isn’t it a huge amount when compared to all other workouts? It also depends on the intensity of the workout. 

· Improve your muscle tone
Spinning workouts always focus on core muscles, buttocks and thighs and help you improve muscle tone. You don’t have to worry about increasing and decreasing the resistance of the bike because spinning workouts are similar to riding up and down a hill. You will work your thighs and calves as you pedal the cycle. When done properly, it will work on your abdominal muscles as well. Increasing the intensity helps you burn fat and decreasing it helps targeting your muscles.

 Relieve Stress
There are numerous exercises which relieve stress and spinning exercises are one of the best in this category. The main reason behind this is due to the fact that spinning workout is intensive and are held in a group workout format where you can meet and socialise with other people.
Build Stamina
By going for spinning workouts regularly you are constantly pumping blood through the whole body. This results in improving your heart and lungs and increases your cardiovascular strength.
 Improve Immune System
Spinning workouts are the best to strengthen your immune system. It is found that if you become habitual towards your spinning workouts, it will increase the number of immune cells and your body will become strong enough to fight against diseases.

Spinning exercises can be done throughout the year with Fitpass. It also helps you track your progress and calories you burn which keeps you motivated and helps accomplish your fitness goals.