Spinning exercises are a popular form of exercise that involves riding a stationary bicycle with a weighted flywheel which focuses on endurance, strength, intervals and high intensity. In general, spinning exercise is one of the most efficient exercises as it is a non weight bearing workout.

Spinning is a low impact and a low risk form of exercise which can be enjoyed by people of all ages. Regularly going for spinning workouts can improve your physical and mental health and reduce the risk of many health problems.

Here are some benefits you achieve by doing spinning exercises regularly:
 Burn Calories
Spinning workouts are an excellent way to burn calories. 45 minutes of spinning workouts burn around 500 calories. Isn’t it a huge amount when compared to all other workouts? It also depends on the intensity of the workout. 

· Improve your muscle tone
Spinning workouts always focus on core muscles, buttocks and thighs and help you improve muscle tone. You don’t have to worry about increasing and decreasing the resistance of the bike because spinning workouts are similar to riding up and down a hill. You will work your thighs and calves as you pedal the cycle. When done properly, it will work on your abdominal muscles as well. Increasing the intensity helps you burn fat and decreasing it helps targeting your muscles.

 Relieve Stress
There are numerous exercises which relieve stress and spinning exercises are one of the best in this category. The main reason behind this is due to the fact that spinning workout is intensive and are held in a group workout format where you can meet and socialise with other people.
Build Stamina
By going for spinning workouts regularly you are constantly pumping blood through the whole body. This results in improving your heart and lungs and increases your cardiovascular strength.
 Improve Immune System
Spinning workouts are the best to strengthen your immune system. It is found that if you become habitual towards your spinning workouts, it will increase the number of immune cells and your body will become strong enough to fight against diseases.

Spinning exercises can be done throughout the year with Fitpass. It also helps you track your progress and calories you burn which keeps you motivated and helps accomplish your fitness goals.

Make yourself strong with Strength training workouts

Strength training is multi beneficial, you can build muscle, lose unhealthy fat and even slow down the ageing clock! It inculcates a healthy routine, so you feel fresh everyday. Strength training builds lean muscle mass, and by way, burns extra fat. A key component of overall health and fitness for everyone!

However, it is not just about losing your fat but also helps in building your muscles. Building your muscles doesn’t mean that you are simply bulky, as it’s about more than that. 

Strength training workouts are very flexible and convenient, provided you have the right equipment required to carry out weight training. When performed correctly, strength training workouts provide numerous health benefits.

Let’s shed some light on how strength training workouts help you:
  •  Strength training workouts are excellent to manage your weight
  •  Strength training workouts make your bones stronger
  •   Lifting the right weights help improve your posture
  •  Strength training provides better support for your joints
  •  Lifting weights and working out proves to be good relieve stress
  •   Strength training boosts your confidence
  •  After a heavy workout and tiring day, your sleep quality is automatically enhanced
  • Strength training reduces the risk of health issues

To build your strength, you can choose between weightlifting, or train just with dumbbells, or rely completely on your bodyweight.


Weight lifting is one of the most common forms of exercise to build strength. Some of the exercises can be performed with a simple weight bench and some with free weights. Don’t believe on myths like “weight lifting creates bulky muscles”, because it’s majorly a way to tone and add lean muscles to your body. In the beginning start with the lighter weights. Gradually you will realise significant strength gains. You can then add more and more repetitions or more resistance by increasing weights.

Are you looking to boost your metabolism and build your muscles at one go? Then grab your dumbbells and get ready! With dumbbell exercises you can burn unwanted fat and strengthen your muscles at the same go. You can start with 2.5 kg dumbbells and try to do 10 reps of each exercise. Gradually build up to 20 reps of each dumbbell exercise. This will make you stronger and to help you lift heavier weights. Some Dumbbell exercises are Dumbbell Bench Press, One Arm Dumbbell Swing and Dumbbell Clean.
 Bodyweight Exercises

The beauty of bodyweight exercises is that you can do them with little or no equipment and with less space. Bodyweight exercises don’t need any machines or external weights. Your own weight will provide the resistance against the gravity. Bodyweight exercises can be done anywhere. They improve your movement, and in turn, increase relative strength. Some body weight movements are Push ups, Body weight Squats, Pull Ups, etc.

Strength training workouts are going to help you in the long run of your fitness schedule. They help strengthen you up for other workouts and help lead a fitter, healthier life. Just maintain a healthy diet, and you will be able to maintain your weight.

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Bollywood Dance Classes is gaining popularity as the fun, high tempo, dance workout in India. Enjoy moving your body to the beats of your favourite Bollywood songs and burn those extra calories. This dance workout includes numerous types of styles and moves as kathak, Indian folk, belly dancing, western, jazz etc.

Bollywood Dance has gradually emerged as an exciting way to tone your body. You burn calories and build muscle at the same time. Bollywood dance gets your heart pumping making it a good aerobic exercise, strengthening the cardio vascular system. It will compel you to be healthier and lead a more active lifestyle. So, we can say that bollywood dancing is an excellent way to get your body on the right path, towards better fitness.

Styles of bollywood dancing
·        Bollywood Dance Classes
·        Kathak Dance Classes
·        Modern Bollywood Dancing
·        Bhangra Dance Classes

But do you know how beneficial these dance moves are for you in improving your fitness? Let’s take a look:

·        Improves your coordination

The steps and moves involved in Bollywood dancing require you to immerse yourself in the workout, and move as per the beats. As you tap your feet to the musical beats, shrug your shoulders and twist your body, you gain strength, improve balance and become more flexible. The unbeatable fast movement helps you to kick those extra fats and shed those extra kilos

 Fun exercise
Bollywood dancing is an aerobic exercise which energises your body and is fun and exciting at the same time. It engages your entire body. Once you feel the enjoyment of bollywood dancing you will keep coming back, no matter how sore you are.

 Full body workout
Fast unbeatable movements help you shed your weight fast. In the same time the movements helps you tone both your upper and lower body and strengthen your core muscles.
 Helps in Relieving Stress
Bollywood dance is influenced by Indian traditional dance which is a fusion of fun and happiness. It helps you to forget your worries with dance routines and refreshes your mind. 
 Lubricates your joints
The fast movements in bollywood dance helps limber up the whole body. It helps the joints to be well lubricated and prevents you from diseases like arthritis.

Bollywood dances are designed for people of all age groups. So, put your best foot forward and make sure you have plenty of energy before you begin.